How to Tell if Nasal Obstruction Surgery is Right for You

nasal obstruction surgeryEvery person’s body (including their nasal passages) is unique. The talented team at Del Rey MD can conduct a thorough examination and recommend the best treatment course for your unique circumstances. You may be a candidate for nasal obstruction surgery if you struggle with any of the following issues:

Signs You May Require Nasal Obstruction Surgery:

  • You’ve tried allergy medications, such as decongestants, nasal sprays, and antihistamines, to improve your breathing, but they haven’t worked.
  • You suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Your deviated system is causing you to have a blocked airway.
  • An injury made your nose “crooked,” and you haven’t been breathing correctly since the event.
  • You have consistent infections from sinusitis.
  • When you take a breath, the sides of your nose collapse inward (a phenomenon called “nasal valve collapse”).
  • You’ve developed nasal polyps, which can grow in your thirties, forties, and beyond.
  • You have oversized adenoids or small pieces of tissue above your tonsils intended to keep allergens and harmful particles out of your body.

The above list is not all-inclusive. If you struggle to breathe deeply through your nose, you should contact an Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor (ENT) for a proper diagnosis.

How Can Nasal Obstruction Surgery Help Me?

The inability to breathe deeply and regularly can affect almost all aspects of your life—while you’re awake or asleep. Patients with sleep apnea often see improvement in their quality of sleep after surgery if nasal obstruction was a cause of their issues. Better sleep can lower your risk of developing a chronic illness, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression or anxiety.

Nasal obstruction surgery can also help boost your self-confidence. If your nose shape has been changed due to a traumatic event, nasal obstruction surgery can be combined with a cosmetic approach, offering an aesthetically pleasing result.

Nasal obstruction surgery will allow you to stop mouth-breathing almost completely. The surgery can also help mitigate the effects of halitosis (bad breath), which is often caused by congested sinuses. Often, patients see a positive effect on their teeth and gums and a reduction in issues with dry mouth.

Find Out if You’re A Candidate:

Have you been considering nasal obstruction surgery? There’s no better time to find out if you’re a candidate. Contact Del Rey MD at 310-823-4444 or schedule an appointment online using our flexible scheduling tool. We’re conveniently located in three locations: Marina del Rey, Long Beach, and Bakersfield, CA.

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